Individual & Relationship Expert Toronto

Susan Blackburn Psychology

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About Toronto Psychotherapy with Susan Blackburn Psychology

People often tell us that their problems aren’t big enough to need therapy.

The clients we see are pretty high functioning.

They have normal lives, get out of bed every morning, put a smile on their face, have important jobs and social obligations to meet and you would never in a million years guess that they were in therapy.

They’re probably a lot like you.

Although their lives are pretty good and they have a lot to be thankful for, they want to be happier, more fulfilled and just generally feel better about themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Your problems don’t have to be huge to benefit from therapy. First world problems are still problems. If you’re suffering even just a little bit, or a lot, therapy can help you to feel better, smile more and enhance your life in amazing ways.

Going to therapy doesn’t mean that something’s wrong with you, it just means that you want to be better than you already are.

Susan Blackburn

Are You Looking for Effective Counselling, Psychology or Psychotherapy Tools and Strategies to…

Sometimes people come to therapy because they need a sounding board or have an important decision to make.

Honestly, people come to therapy for all kinds of reasons. We can all use help from time to time. One of the questions we get all the time is ‘Really? People come to therapy for that?’

Yes, they do. Nothing is too big or too small.

It takes a lot of courage to see a professional for help.  We really admire that. And regardless of what your concerns are, we don’t judge.

If any of this resonates with you then You’ve Come to the Right Place… at Susan Blackburn Psychology, Counselling, & Psychotherapy we’re known for our Effective Therapy Strategies for Change!

When people come to therapy for the first time they’re often pretty skeptical. They worry that it will be a huge waste of time and money. After all, how could sitting on a couch across from a therapist and talking about their problems help?

It really doesn’t seem likely to a lot of people. We get it. Part of their doubt has to do with some myths and misconceptions about therapy, such as…

  • Will I have to lie down on a couch and talk about my childhood? – Well, not in this millennium and not in our office. Now sometimes it may be relevant to your issue, but usually it isn’t. It is more important to talk about what’s currently going on in your life.
  • How will having a therapist listen to me and ask how I’m feeling help? You’re right it probably won’t. We work collaboratively with you in sessions to achieve your goals and offer you coping skills to help you find more happiness, confidence and a sense of calm.
  • Can a therapist fix my problems, especially the problems that are because of others? Nope. But, we can provide you with tools and strategies and other scientifically proven ways of changing your thoughts, emotions and perceptions which makes life a whole lot easier.

Research shows that if you come to therapy regularly, do your homework, 🙄 (yeah… we know, but it works and makes the time you spend in therapy that much shorter), and don’t give up (just those 3 things!), then you will create the changes that you want in your life.

One of the best parts of our job as a therapist is working with people that doubt that therapy works, only to see them become some of the biggest believers once they commit to the process, give it some time and start to feel better. They’re frequently shocked that therapy actually works!

Even though this is the About section, we’re not what’s important here. You are!

Therapy is all about you becoming the best version of yourself. But, if you’d like to know more about us, here’s a snapshot, starting with Susan:

Susan is a Registered Psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario, an Individual Therapist, Couples Counsellor & Marriage Therapist, a Published Author and a guest Relationship Expert on radio and television with a counselling, psychology and psychotherapy private practice in midtown Toronto at Yonge and Eglinton.

Her media credentials include appearances as an expert counsellor and guest psychotherapist on That Channel’s ‘Extraordinary Women TV’, Roger’s award-winning TV show, ‘The Talking Cure with Dr. Jon Mills‘, the W Network’s, ‘Style by Jury’ and Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s (of ‘Til Debt Do Us Part) show, ‘Princess’.

Since Susan is a Registered Psychologist, the cost for counselling, psychotherapy and psychological services will often be reimbursed in whole or in part by your extended health benefits and workplace insurance requiring clients be seen by a Registered Psychologist. Please check your policy to see what coverage you have.

Susan is a member of the Ontario Psychological Association with a registration certificate from the College of Psychologists of Ontario as a Psychologist authorized to practice in the areas of Counselling Psychology and Clinical Psychology with adults and couples. She also holds an M.A. Counselling Psychology (Adler School of Professional Psychology), an Honours B.A. Psychology (York University) and a B.Sc. Business (University of Phoenix).

I like working with both individuals and couples to achieve a sense of overall fulfillment. Warm and encouraging support is a prominent aspect of the work I do and I enjoy working collaboratively with clients to rediscover their confidence, find life balance, enhance their relationships and attain more happiness in all aspects of their lives. This is rewarding and meaningful work and I am honoured to have the opportunity to allowed into the lives of my clients in such important and sacred ways.

As a mother, therapist and former director of a graduate-level private school to name just a few of my many roles, I understand the challenges facing career-committed professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs, family-oriented individuals and those seeking change for personal development and success.

When I’m not practicing counselling, psychology, and psychotherapy I spend my leisure time travelling, painting, hiking, listening to music, reading, cooking, and exploring the countryside both in and out of the city.

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